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06.02.2024Magnús Skúlason

Spori was born in Þverholt and I got him as a puppy in 2010. I was a farmer in Norðtunga in Mýrasýsla.

Spori was incredibly dear to me and trustworthy from the first year; he was a magnificent dog, and his loyalty was unique.
He served me well, being an excellent sheepdog that could be sent up to about 200 meters to move sheep forward. If he couldn't hear me, I could control him with hand signals to come back or continue moving the livestock.

Spori had a special bond with a bitch at the farm Höfði named Rósa. They visited each other regularly and got along well. They occasionally quarreled like any normal couple, but they never had any puppies.

Another bitch was at Höfði. An Icelandic bitch, I believe her name was Botna. When Spori met Botna, they became busy and ran into the sheep to the farmers' distress.

One time, Botna was in heat and was kept in the basement at home in Höfða so that dogs could not get to her. Spori went for a visit to Höfði but couldn't find Botna as she was locked in the cellar until Spori saw a wooden slat in one of the cellar windows. Spori clawed the slat out of the window and met Botna. They didn't own any puppies, but Spori was caught at his occurrence.

Spori wasn't kept indoors unless the weather was bad; instead, he slept outside in the barn in the hay in front of the cattle feed or under my bedroom window. There was a flap in the barn door so he could come and go freely. The heat in the farmhouse was too much for Spori. If he lay in the snow, it wouldn't melt under him; his fur was so thick and dense.

Spori was in Norðtunga all his life until he died in an accident in 2022.

The pictures were taken in 2015.



Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
561 Varmahlíð

SoknaraetlunStjórnarráðRoyal Canin