Kollý frá Sellátrum

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06.02.2024Höskuldur Davidsson

The Icelandic Sheepdog at Sellátur in Tálknafjörður

Likely this breed of dog came to my childhood home with my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, Kristján Arngrímsson and Þórey Eiríksdóttir, when they moved to Sellátur from Arnarfjörður in 1895.

I have no sources on this, and only mention what happened in my 18-year-old memory at this childhood home.

Unfortunately, there were only female dogs on the farm, but most male dogs were given away, as well as extra females.

There was nobody at this time, thinking about maintaining this wonderful breed and the females went around the countryside when they were in heat.

The first female dog I remember on the farm was named Lubba and was reddish tan with black mask in appearance.

She had become old, but her daughter Kollý continued her fruitful legacy.

She was yellow in color, with tiny white spots.


During Kollý's time, interest began to grow in Iceland and abroad in preserving the existence of this remarkable breed of dog.

Perhaps it was the American, Mark Watson, who sparked this interest, as he made some trips to Sellátur and brought along Kollý's puppies, to take to breed in America.

Puppies also went to Ólafsvellir, where planned breeding of the Icelandic sheep dog began.


Klói frá Sellátrum owned by Birgir Kjaran, a member of parliament.

Growing up as a child and teenager, with these wonderful dogs, I believe it was very enriching.


They were full members of the family and understood most of what was said.

Kollý could be told what to do in a low voice, and she did it.

There are many things that could be told here, about our children's lives with these wonderful creatures, but that's another story.

Reykjavík in February 2024.

Kollý og Höskuldur.jpg

Signatory giving Kollý and offspring fresh milk.



Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]



Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]
