Mayers Images of Iceland 1836

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15.02.2025Evelyn Ýr

I recently purchased the book Íslandsmyndir Mayers 1836. Auguste Étienne François Mayer was a French painter who joined an expedition to Iceland with the French explorer Paul Gaimard. Upon their return, Gaimard published his scientific work Voyage en Islande et au Groënland, while Mayer’s contribution from the journey included nearly 200 illustrations. These depict Icelandic landscapes and notable locations such as Geysir, Þingvellir, Möðruvellir in Hörgárdalur, Mælifellshnjúkur, and Mælifellskirkja, among others, as well as images of the expedition, Icelandic people and their homes. It is truly fascinating to browse through the book.

I am not aware of whether Gaimard wrote about dogs in Iceland, but dogs appear in many of Mayer’s illustrations. In several of them, it seems to be the same dog—could it have been part of the expedition? I have compiled images showing the dog in three different paintings, along with the main illustration featured in the book.

This particular image served as the basis for a copper engraving made by the artist Massard in five copies in 1842. I was fortunate enough to acquire one of them, and despite extensive searches, I have not found another copy. Could it be that this copy, print number 1 of 5, is the last remaining one? Regardless, this illustration, which I hold in great regard, will be on display at the exhibition.



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Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
561 Varmahlíð

SoknaraetlunStjórnarráðRoyal Canin