Íslands Sómi

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07.06.2023Evelyn Ýr

In December 2019, the Icelandic sheepdog, Reykjavalla Íslands Sómi, joined our family. Before him, we had Border Collie mixes, who were also wonderful dogs.

Shortly after Sómi arrived home, it became clear to us that he was a gem and could contribute to the project that has been underway here at Lýtingsstaðir for several years: showcasing Icelandic cultural heritage.

Sómi discovered the roof of our turf houses as a viewing point just like dogs did in the old days. Sómi and the turf houses immediately became the most popular subjects for photos in the following months.



Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
561 Varmahlíð

SoknaraetlunStjórnarráðRoyal Canin