19.06.2023Evelyn Ýr
I have been so fortunate recently to acquire the book "THE ICELAND DOG 874-1956" by Mark Watson, which is an absolute treasure for anyone interested in the history of the Icelandic Sheepdog, like me.
The book was published in 1957, in which Watson lists all the data he found about the Icelandic Sheepdog from the settlement years to "present day" as stated in the preface written by Watson in 1956.
Watson himself funded the publication of the book, and the profits from its sale he donated to the Reykjavík Animal Protection Association at the time.
It is believed that the book was published in 500 copies, which is of course not very many, and therefore the book is very rare and valuable today.
The book is a gift to me for the exhibition about the history of the Icelandic Sheepdog, and it was Jørgen Metzdorff who gave it to me after he heard about my project. Jørgen breeds Icelandic Sheepdogs in Denmark (Naskur kennel) and is a great enthusiast of the dog's history. He has researched the book very well and has given a lecture about it in connection with the Day of the Icelandic Sheepdog. Since Jørgen had three copies of the book, he decided to give me one copy for the exhibition. I am very grateful to him for that!
The book is indispensable for the exhibition about the Icelandic Sheepdog.
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