Stories about Icelandic sheep dogs

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02.02.2024Evelyn Ýr

A while ago, I advertised for stories about Icelandic sheepdogs; old and recent, entertaining and poignant, interesting achievements and beautiful everyday stories. I want to create a collection of stories that touch peoples hearts and are representative for the Icelandic sheepdog.

Now, the first stories are out there, and I am very pleased with the outcome. I still have to put more stories into the collection but it is good to get started to present them. I also hope to receive more stories that are enjoyable to preserve here. 

The stories can be found under the button labeled "SAGA," and I hope people enjoy reading them.

In the end, I want to thank everyone who sent me stories and pictures.

In the picture above is Reykjadals Móri, taken by Brynhildur Inga.



Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Phone: +354 893 3817
[email protected]


Lýtingsstaðir, 561 Varmahlíð.
561 Varmahlíð

SoknaraetlunStjórnarráðRoyal Canin