07.11.2023Evelyn Ýr
About a year ago I started working on the project about the Icelandic national dog and I am pleased with the progress. I have read a lot, both in books and on the internet. I have connected with many people, both at home and abroad, and I find that most of the people I have talked to have a burning interest. I have been collecting stories and pictures and I need to keep finding interesting content in the database. It's a bit slow to get answers from local photo galleries/collections to be able to buy old pictures but I will continue to work on it. Now is the time with the shortest days of the year, which is exactly the best time for me to work on this, and next on the agenda is to set up space on the website to publish the stories I have been given.
There is still a lot of work to be done but the goal is set: opening the exhibition in the summer of 2024.
I look forward to bringing my ideas about the exhibition into action and of course I will continue to talk about the progress of the project here in the blog along with various speculations and interesting information.
Phone: +354 893 3817
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